Blog about gaming.
Published on September 29, 2009 By BladeRunner08865 In Everything Else

I was just at the and saw this.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 29, 2009

Yea, Brad has an article on this on the main page. He saw it too.

on Sep 29, 2009

I hate Fox news and Glenn Beck especially but I can see where Brad's coming from.  I mean boycotting a whole channel due to one person on it seems a bit ludicrous to me.

on Sep 29, 2009

I prefer FedEx anyways.


on Sep 29, 2009

Glenn Beck is the man. And O'Reilly is even better.

on Sep 29, 2009

When shipping to Canada, I prefer USPS.

on Sep 29, 2009

@Charvel1 Agreed

on Sep 29, 2009

I suppose its because I'm a Brit, and we often burst out laughing at the ludicrousity of some of the conservative arguments against Obama.

on Sep 29, 2009

...annd... we often burst out laughing at the ludicrousity of some arguments of liberal arguments for Obama.

on Sep 29, 2009

What little I know of Glen Beck quite horrifies me, but I have fairly equal contempt for all the 24-hour 'news' channels and a fairly sturdy respect for Brad despite our very different politics. The story is definitely an interesting sign of just how fuzz-muddy the 'news' has become these days.

I wonder, if I change my Elemental pre-order to include the disc & box, will that make me an involuntary Glen Beck supporter too? The silliness of the idea might just make me go for it...

on Sep 29, 2009

I can not blame UPS as a legitimate business for not wanting to advertise on a network like fox news.  The issue is not that fox news has a different opinion.  There is nothing wrong with criticizing the president and expressing a different political view then the rest of the mainstream media.  The problem with fox news is that thier arguments sound more like a locked internet thread than a legitimate political discussion.  They spread lies, fear, and are constantly making inflammatory statements that are irrelevant to the discussion at hand.  Glen Beck is the worst of the offenders, but it happens across the whole network.  In short, I do not blame a business for not wanting to be associated with fox news because of the WAY they express their political beliefs. 


on Sep 29, 2009

If you buy Stardock products, the terrorists win.

It's really that simple.

on Sep 29, 2009

If you buy Stardock products, the terrorists win.

It's really that simple.

Screw you guys then.

on Sep 29, 2009

Politics, politics everywhere. Chill guys

on Sep 29, 2009

When shipping to Canada, I prefer USPS.

This x1000.  Their rates are FAR better (including no brokerage fee nonsense), and the items are easier to pick up since you can get them at your local Canada Post (ie: get the mail) instead of having to take a day off work for the UPS guy or driving out to the middle of nowhere to pick the item up.

Plus, the post office has never lost half of my shipment, then delivered it a week later broken and tried to claim it wasn't their fault... which is more then I can say for UPS. I refuse to use them for anything due to that.



As for the other issue... I consider Fox "News" to be one of the worst excuses for journalism on the face of the earth. It doesn't have anything to do with conservative vs liberal, but rather how often they get basic facts completely wrong in the name of ideology. CNN is also pretty terrible, though. Whenever possible I like to stick to newspapers and news magazines.

That said, Stardock is just doing exactly the same thing as UPS is doing. No big deal.



If you buy Stardock products, the terrorists win.

It's really that simple.

But we need to stimulate the economy, or the terrorists win. Buying Stardock products therefore defeats terrorism!

on Sep 29, 2009

Your threat to "boycott" UPS because they pulled their ads from FoxNews is comical.  I'm quite cerain UPS could care less about your "stance."  And then, to say your upset because they "boycotted the whoe network."  Well, you may have missed this, but the network hires that crackpot and gives him the space to spew his crap.

Let me show you the total impact of your statemetn in terms that should be clear to you.  "vVv Gaming will now boycott Stardock and all its games."  I guess I showed you, huh?

Thanks for showing your politcal allegiance to Fox News.  Says quite a bit about you and your character, but it's good to know these things now.  God thing that the Heroes of Newerth beta is so popular.

BTW, we're giving out 300 beata keys thanks to the support of S2 games, who seesm to be smart enough to keep politics out of their business model.




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