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Published on February 13, 2010 By BladeRunner08865 In PC Gaming

So Im borrowin Blood Bowl from a friend and I must say "Wow this game is not just bout football!" Normally I dont like football but Blood Bowl makes me feel like Im playin a kinda "modded" version of the table top warhammer. Blood Bowl makes me wish real football was like that. Scamblin around for a ball and kickin the guy you just tackled in the jewels to make your point. Anyone else enjoy Blood Bowl?

on Feb 13, 2010

Actually, your Warhammer comparison is apt...both the Warhammer table top game and the Blood Bowl table top game are by Games Workshop, and they share a lot of races, gear, etc.

on Feb 13, 2010

Sounds like rugby.

on Feb 13, 2010

Been playing since it was released, I'm in the Orca Cola Championship league.  If a tactical board game is your thing you will do yourself a massive favour by joining up in a league, tons of fun.

on Feb 13, 2010

I played the computer version for a while, but then had my reputation shot when I lost my connection in my fourth online game (Was winning as Goblins, too. D:).  I should probably suck it up and work my reputation back to a decent state one of these days, but Demon's Souls currently has the #1 claim on my time.

on Sep 12, 2010

I have a closed table top boxed set that my wife got me for my 33rd birthday.  First table top game that i ever played back in the late 80's.  Just found a copy on amazon for the pc.

on Sep 12, 2010

It is also available on Impulse. If you're in a hurry, it's 75% off on steam until tomorrow, though. (Same price otherwise)

It's a cool game, but for my part it was more a novelty than a good game.

on Sep 12, 2010

i w8 for the legendary edition it should be released in 1 or 2 months

on Sep 12, 2010

Actually, your Warhammer comparison is apt...both the Warhammer table top game and the Blood Bowl table top game are by Games Workshop, and they share a lot of races, gear, etc.

I believe bloodbowl is set in the same world as Warhammer too, although a slightly more humorous version of it. It has the same gods and magic schools and things like that.

on Sep 12, 2010

its on steam sale this weekend as far as i know...

on Sep 12, 2010

The game is very worth the steam sale price buuuuuuuuut......

The Legendary Edition is due out very soon and contains all (but 1) of the tabletop teams so we are talking 20+ races to play and so will be a much superior version, using the current and final tournament rule set.  A lot of people are likely to switch to it.  If you are not sure you would pay full price for Blood Bowl though so wouldn't invest in the LE then the steam sale is a great introduction.

on Sep 12, 2010

Haven't read much about the LE edition.... I know the dark elf edition was a free upgrade for those that allready had basic blood bowl, though, is it the same?


on Sep 12, 2010

More info about Legendary Edition please.

on Sep 13, 2010

It's really a MP game though.  The AI is just balls for SP games, though it's still a fun little diversion from time to time.

on Sep 14, 2010

More info about Legendary Edition please.


It's all on the website for the game.

The current game uses Living Rule Book 5 (LRB5), the Legendary Edition will use the rules currently used in competitions which are now set in stone and unlikely to change for years.

There is also around 20 races compared to the 9 with the Dark Elves you get in the current game.  All of them except Chaos Dwarfs (don't ask) and the 3 non official races.


The LE is trying harder to be strict to the rule set, using board game Wizards, weather and all sorts the original game cut corners on.  The only thing we will be short on will be some of the Star Players I believe but there will be a lot more Star Players in there.


There are other features and updates that are yet to be revealed.


There are some fantastic leagues running at the moment who I can only imagine will all be going LE so it would be a great time to join.  Although it might be an idea to start learning the game because it takes crazy amounts of games to master.