I hearby start the order of People Against Bear Calvary! Please for Elemental's sake dont let it end up like Sins with the Space Ponies.
(I really dont mind but I just want poke bears with a stick )
bear caLvary... so right and so wrong at the same time...
All those who want bear cavalry should have Polar Bears snuck into their bedrooms late at night.....comon, it is for a good cause! Those Polar Bears are starving to death right now.
leaves bears alone what did they ever do to you?
Poke, poke, poke. I am soooooooo sick of the bear stuff. Now, giant rabid dogs, on the other paw.....
Bear Calvary: Attack 6 Defense 4 Health 4.
Special ability: For on the third day he will rise again...
I personally am against Bear Calvary. I hate them. Worst idea ever.
I love bear cavalry, I do hope they make it into the game. But Bear Calvary are the most stupid unit ever created.
I can assure you: with a modding communtiy like Stardock's, everything you could possibly desire (as well as some things you couldn't) will be available.
I hearby formally petition Frogboy to declare all Bear Cavalry and followers enemies of state and ask they be ban from the forums.
Bear cavalary is only beaten by Dragon knights...all your names have been added to the bear cavalary enemies list and shall be watched closely..
I have three letters, LOL.
personally, i don't care either way.
Sporn is at least a naturally flowing butchering of Spore, but how do you do that with Elemental?
Well, where there are in-game graphics editors and teenage players, the possibities are endless.