I hearby start the order of People Against Bear Calvary! Please for Elemental's sake dont let it end up like Sins with the Space Ponies.
(I really dont mind but I just want poke bears with a stick )
UPDATE: Especially if the game includes pre-existing female units.....
It better contain female units. How I'm suppose to create an amazon civilization/tribe if not???
"Hello, I'm Line Trap and..."
Beg pardon, but the context makes me feel obliged to mention that hull as a gender type is not a binary variable.
Modeling support for androgynes and neuters would enable all sorts of modding fun, ranging from (anti)politically-correct satire pieces to serious efforts focused on a particular fantasy author.
Well, if you can model it, I bet people will use it... Although I for one am not into THAT sort of thing.
After that movie I saw with the armored bear and him fighting the other bear I surely think we need bear cavalry in this game. Warg riders as well. Oh and be sure and put in the lycanthrope ability. I could always stomp MOM with that spell. Nothing like an army of werewolves that the entire pack regens as long as there is ONE left and he only has 1 hit point left. lol That was a bit overpowered I think but a lot of fun to march around the map with stomping everything in sight except maybe those Blue Skydrakes gawd I hated those things.
Now THERE'S an essence spell!
Forget the Bears.. I want my Beaver Knights!
* - reference: https://forums.elementalgame.com/354860/page/2/#2244277 [Reply #26]
Amd then they will stab you with the toothpicks.