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Published on June 7, 2009 By BladeRunner08865 In WOM Ideas

Does anyone know how battles will be handled in Elemental? (I got a couple of ideas )


1. Duels for rival sovereigns!

    a.When two sovereigns are ready to duke it out they should be transported to a special arena where they can duke it out.(Not Demigod style....)

    b.The duels can spill out and cause massive damage to the surrounding world.

    c.And to the victor go the spoils. (loser can beg for mercy )

2. Battles between armies

   a.Will battles be solved on the overland map or go in a battleview like in Total War?

   b.Will there be sieges? ( Im a siege master!)

   c.Will weather be issue?

   d.Are the armies going to individual units or squads?

3.Naval warfare(assuming theres going to be boats)


Thats all i really can come up with right now.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 09, 2009

Perhaps so. It looks like a pretty rich world:


on Jun 09, 2009

That is an awesome screenshot where did ya get it?

on Jun 09, 2009

.jpg is your friend when uploading and posting large picture files. I've never seen that pic before so thanks.

on Jun 09, 2009

That is an awesome screenshot where did ya get it?
Frogboy posted that in #Demigodgame IRC channel the other day. Gotta love a company where the biggest source of leaked content is the CEO.

.jpg is your friend when uploading and posting large picture files.
Eh, I just saved it, uploaded, and posted. Wasn't paying attention, and too lazy to change it.


on Jun 09, 2009

Oh my god that is an awesome screenshot Kitkun! Thanks for those two goodies - they should especially put this one in the Media section... It makes me drool.

Edit: I'd like to point out that the channeler has 10 essence and appears to be Level 1 (although that number could mean something else). Also, the roads are a little bit wavy (but it appears to be aesthetic and doesn't deviate outside one tile), and the city walls look like they're made of hedges. One thing that has me a little nervous about this game is that it looks like I'll almost only play the good factions - I don't like the idea of turning my land into evil lava-land. The Channeler appears to be learning the spell "Scorching Touch" and researching the "Weaponry" tech. Population: 11.

More on topic, a while back Brad said that combat would take place on a zoomed in portion of the overland map (presumably just one tile, but who knows!). He also mentioned things like obstacles and the like, so not every tile will be the same. I personally hope that things like elevation effect combat - that would be awesome and add a huge strategic element to combat (like in TW). If terrain doesn't much effect combat then location hardly matters - but the moment terrain enters the equation things get so much more interesting!

on Jun 09, 2009

sadly the screenshot doesn't seem to display for me

on Jun 09, 2009

I hate, with vehemently venomous passion, random battle map generators.  Anyone that's played HoMM5, that right there is a prime example of what not to do.


Ones that follow the terrain would be outstanding.

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