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You fav 4X Games!
Published on April 13, 2008 By
Sins of a Solar Empire
Hey everyone post you fav 4X games of all time! Mine are Sins of a Solar Empire(naturally) Masters of Orion 2 and 3 and Galciv 1.
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on Apr 13, 2008
Didnt like IG 2 cause there was no AI on "easy" and the Ai on "Medium" was already a cheating champion.
I agree, this was a real shame. I only ever had one (extremely lucky) successful game on Medium. Didn't stop me loving it to bits for ages, though.
Alpha Centauri was ace because the different ideologies made for such completely different gameplay styles, and I never even bought the expansion.
Star Trek Birth of the Federation is probably my favourite, though. I still play it sometimes, even though it sends XP into occasional re re re re repeating death stut tut tut tutters. Ferengi Alliance FTW!
Uranium - 235
on Apr 13, 2008
Bwahahaha just kidding.
on Apr 13, 2008
As has been said above:
Ascendancy. Nothing else need be said!
on Apr 13, 2008
If only Ascendancy had a brain. The AI was so weak that I would usually give the AI players a few hundred turn head start to make it at all challenging.
on Apr 14, 2008
Star Trek Birth of the Federation took a large part of my life...
on Apr 14, 2008
I do like GalCiv 2 (no expansions yet). Apart from that, Civilization is fun, but I do find space 4x games more enjoyable. I hope they kick development of FreeOrion into high gear (an open-source game similar to Mo2 and other space 4x games). I know when they have a complete version of that available that it will consume me.
on Apr 14, 2008
Mopes wrote:
Imperium Galactica (the first one) was my fave. I still to this day haven't had an epic ridiculously long impossible campaign in any game since then. Shame it doesn't run properly on XP.
Hi Mopes,
Install Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 (for the bit version you have 32/64bit) Very easy to install. Then install on your new virtual pc Win98 or an older OS if you like then I'm sure you can play the game
Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 :
WWW Link
I love Imperium Galactica II and of cause Sins. Also Civ and Homeworld series - not to forget my old Stars!
on Apr 14, 2008
I gotta say iv got some old favorites.
Recently, Sword of the Stars was a good game for me.
Before that, the one I liked the most was Imperium Galactica 2, which was my very first 4X RTS.
ANNNNNNNNDDDD WAYYYYYYYYY WAYYYYYY back in the day, back to 1994 or so, maybe earlier, was a game called "Stars!". It was my very first 4X Strategy Game (not RTS), and it was a lot of fun, even though I really had no idea how to play it when I was only 10 years old.
I really looked forward to the sequel "Stars! : Supernova", but that game never materialized due to publishing problems in the UK.
Stars! will probabbly be my most nostalgic favorite, since it was probabbly one of the first, (or at least within the first few years) of 4X Space Strategy games.
After "Stars!", id go with "Star Control : II", but thats more of a 4X & RPG classic. (Its Freeware somewhere out there on the internet, its a great game with voice acting! For 1995 that was insane!)
A buddy of mine also said to add "Tradewars", which was a text based 4X strategy game, but that bored the hell outta me.
Raging Amish
on Apr 14, 2008
Hopefully I'm not repeating someone, but I didn't see it so I must ask would Rise of Nations qualify?
on Apr 14, 2008
I'll put in a good word for Alpha Centauri. I wish that a true Alpha Centauri II could be made. I've never played Gal Civs, but I'm tempted to get it since I like Stardock/Ironclad.
on Apr 14, 2008
Master of Magic. A really old game, but I played it
for ever
. Civilization with magic. Sigh. Such a shame advancing computer technology rendered it unusable.
on Apr 14, 2008
If only Ascendancy had a brain. The AI was so weak that I would usually give the AI players a few hundred turn head start to make it at all challenging.
It was a very fun game but once you researched plasma cannon it was pretty much over. The range and damage of that gave you such an advantage and the AI never seemed to catch up.
Other favs are GalCiv2, MoO2, and the Warlords series (notably Warlords II and Warlords IV). I still play them.
on Apr 14, 2008
All the GalCiv games and expansions have eaten away at my life!
Also Birth of the Federation and Civ 4, but not to such great extents!
I can feel Sins slowly devouring me to!
on Apr 14, 2008
master of orion 2 & master of magic. oh, and ufo: enemy unknown.
The hints that Stardock is working on a strategy game with partial MoM inspiration makes me oh so excited.
on Apr 14, 2008
Hey everyone post you fav 4X games of all time! Mine are Sins of a Solar Empire(naturally) Masters of Orion 2 and 3 and Galciv 1.
With all due respect to ozu08865 I am surprised MOO3 showed up as one of your favorites. (I bought it also and cried when I found out how bad it was.) It was the only game that I purchased where it was more productive to use the CD as a coffee coaster than running the software. I never played MOO2 but I did hear about how fun it was, that is how I got suckered into buying MOO3. From now on, I read the reviews before I purchase.
As for my list of favorite 4X games:
GalCiv II (plus expansions)
CIV I-III. (Never really got into CIV IV even though it gets good ratings.)
HOMM Series (I did not get HOMM V because of the mediocre ratings it received.)
Alpha Centauri
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