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BladeRunner08865's Articles In PC Gaming
April 3, 2010 by BladeRunner08865
I just gots me anew vidja card for the my pc. Its a Ati Radeon 5770HD with 1gig ram and it rocks! Mass Effect 2 looked good on my old card now it looks like im watchin a friggin digtal movie!
March 30, 2010 by BladeRunner08865
Did anyone try Distant Worlds yet?
February 13, 2010 by BladeRunner08865
So Im borrowin Blood Bowl from a friend and I must say "Wow this game is not just bout football!" Normally I dont like football but Blood Bowl makes me feel like Im playin a kinda "modded" version of the table top warhammer. Blood Bowl makes me wish real football was like that. Scamblin around for a ball and kickin the guy you just tackled in the jewels to make your point. Anyone else enjoy Blood Bowl?
August 22, 2009 by BladeRunner08865
Can anyone give me a heads-up on and older great games that can run on xp without DOSBOX? I tried Age of Wonders and loved it. any genre.